Saturday, July 14, 2007


The Quran states that ‘no man has the right to take the life of another’, killing innocent people in the name of jihad is misinterpretation of Islam and according to the Quran considered a sin.
It is true that one may hate a certain community or person but to constantly create an atmosphere of hatred may destroy innocent lives along with the guilty. The prime minister of Britain, Mr. Tony Blair maintains that an extreme and perverse form of Islam,
And not the support for the American invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq is to blame for the terrorism that has now shown its bloody face in London. He has completely ignored the fact that while London was planning and funding terrorism in West Asia, the individuals involved were not considered a domestic threat and therefore basically ignored. As a result it is reaping the harvest of the seeds once sown and Islam and its followers are being blamed all around the world, even in India; a religion sensitive country which is supposed to be secular as postulated by its constitution. India itself is suffering from five decades of terrorism in the hands of Pakistan.
There is no doubt that the form of Islam resulting is suicide bombers is twisted and perverse. We are sitting on a simmering pot for some time and the sharp divisions of understanding between generations of Muslim community have created dissatisfied youths whose issues need to be addressed but terrorism is not the way to make one self be heard. It may be impossible to persuade the Osama Bin Laden devotees that their form of Islam is not Islam but some sort of theory to justify their actions. The outlook professed by them is resulting in development of despise and hatred for all Muslims. It is said that history repeats, if this is true then what once happened to the Jews may happen to the Muslims too.
Religion is a very sensitive issue and to comment critically on it is all the more dangerous in a society where extremism has taken shelter in religion but the present day situation makes it necessary that people are served with that are an eye opener.
Every religion condemns violence, and violence in the name of religion is preposterous.
According to the Book of Mathew, Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, said that we must also love our enemies but at least one of our precepts of Christianity, to love thy neighbor
Seem so far to have prevailed over the fear and anger created by terrorists attacks all over the world.
There is an existing problem of the propagation of extremism amongst young Muslim but this does not mean that every Muslim living is a suicide bomber. People have now started to live with the phenomenon of the suicide bomber next door. Today anyone who has dark skin, dark hair and brown eyes is a potential suspect because Asia is slowly starting to be considered as a breeding ground of terrorists but we must not forget that London was during the Nineties, increasingly a base for the promoting, funding and planning of terrorism in West Asia and else where.
The United States of America was also involved in rearing the extremists like Laden in Afghanistan. Now the climate of mass killing promoted by the Al Qaida Network is sort of a scientific experiment that proved fatal and back fired. It seems that people have forgotten that no religion teaches violence. For a few hand full of so called ‘Jihadis’, Islam should not be blamed.

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